
Panchkula , Haryana


We specialize in providing pediatric medications with utmost care and expertise. We understand the unique needs of children when it comes to healthcare, and we are committed to offering safe and effective solutions.

Basic Information

Nature of Business Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Registered Address PediaZone – Complete Pediatric Care 345, Industrial Area - Phase 2, , Panchkula Haryana 134113
Legal Status of Firm 40

Why Us?

At PediaZone, we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled experience, top-notch quality, and unwavering safety. Our trusted services have earned recognition from all quarters, making us your ideal choice for a reliable and enriching experience.

Mission / Vision

We're dedicated to delivering exceptional pediatric medications. With a deep understanding of children's healthcare needs, we ensure safe solutions for various conditions. Count on our reputable, quality-assured medications to prioritize your child's health, backed by our unwavering support at every stage.

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